It’s still January - so not too late to wish you all a Happy New Year. I am looking forward to a year with a number of exhibitions lined up and plenty of work to do in preparation.
A quick recap on the end of last year - In November I took part in a group exhibition in Turin on the theme of the Urban Environment. I showed two paintings that I made some time ago based on a visit to Hamburg and the re-developed area around the main port where some of the old industrial installations are still visible - I found them very interesting and great subjects for black and white paintings.
In December I installed a selection of my floral paintings in a rather nice restaurant in the hills on the edge of Turin - La Giudice.
Family came over in early December and we took a refreshing trip to the mountains in the Aosta valley and I took the chance to gather some information to add to my collection of mountain paintings.
Also in December we had number of events at the gallery (ARTEmide) in Cocconato where we demonstrated how we make our work - Samantha on ceramics, Ornella on textiles, Pasqualina on jewellery and me on my black and white snow scenes. Unfortunately I didn’t take any photos!
We took part in the Christmas fair in Cocconato. With the fair and the gallery events six of my works found new homes - quite a range including some from a few years past.
To end the year perfectly Father Christmas dressed as my husband brought me a fabulous book - Picasso and the Art of Drawing by Christopher Lloyd. Picasso has been my hero ever since I can remember and I can never read enough about him. I am particularly interested in his drawings which I don't think we see enough of. So I really treasure this book.
Before Christmas I was offered an exhibition at the lovely restaurant Il Gufo Bianco in Turin to start in the Spring - I am now busy boosting my stock of landscape paintings. I decided on a new format of very wide paintings and am very much enjoying working on canvases 100 x 40 cms. Here’s is one that is near completion and some earlier exercises with mixed media on heavy watercolour paper.

Three works on paper
Last year I was invited to join a pretigeous group of artists based in the Casale Monferrato area and I will be participating in my first show with them this summer in a large exhibition named "The Essence of Water" to be shown in Novarra in June and then in the Castle of Casale for the rest of the summer. I will be focussing on my mountain paintings, as my approach to the theme is that water is where life came from and is an element it depends on for survival. The main source of water that sustains life in northern Italy is locked in the glaciers in the Alps - and they are melting at an alarming rate. All the paintings will be in large format and over the next few months I will be considering which paintings to show and if I want to create any new ones.
Also I will be preparing for my solo show in the Forte di Bard in May. Most of the paintings are ready but I will need to do some work to create a good catalogue.
That's it for now. I hope you are not suffering from bad weather during these winter months and thank you for reading my blog. As always I welcome any comments - which you can leave on this page or on my contacts page, and please recommend my blog to your friends.